This script, when called from a cron job, will alert you to a server that's not available. You'll need to install both HTTP::Lite and Mail::Sendmail for the script to run as-is.
#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use HTTP::Lite; use Mail::Sendmail; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $http = new HTTP::Lite; # Customize this line for your web site: my $url = qq(; my $startTime=time; my $success=1; my $message; # Change it to whatever you want: $http->add_req_header('User-Agent', 'Server Tattler'); my $req = $http->request($url) or $success=0; if ($success) { # Nothing, just go gently into that good night. } else { my $elapsedTime = time - $startTime; my $sentTime = strftime("%A, %B %e %Y - %T", localtime($startTime)); # You can dispense with Mail::sendmail and just use Perl's built-in "print" # for these messages if you want. If you set up your crontab properly, # anything you "print" will get sent to you. $message = qq(No server response after $elapsedTime second(s).\n); $message .= qq(Attempting to reach url: $url\n); $message .= qq(Began attempt at: $sentTime\n); my %mail = ( To => 'Your Name', From => 'Server Tattler ', Subject => 'Possible Server Failure', Message => $message ); sendmail(%mail) or print qq(Died at output to me $Mail::Sendmail::error\n); }
Make the target page, here called smallpage.html, a really small page. On my server, it's a page that just sends back the IP address of the computer that doing the monitoring. It's just a single Apache include:
<--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR"-->
Charlie Minow
February 9, 2020 - 5:09 PM MST